A special training edition complements the work Héritage(s).

Featuring over forty testimonials from prominent figures in the perfume industry gathered from the visual archive work Héritage(s), this special training format is now available.

To achieve this, hundreds of hours of film have been patiently reviewed to extract selected segments, edited into thematic capsules within a reimagined artistic framework that closely aligns with the concerns of young people.

Thus, this new 41-minute format, specifically designed for easy integration into the training of students and young professionals in perfumery, consists of short modules featuring cross-testimonials on topics such as vocation, education, creation, and the first steps in the profession.

With the aim of being accessible to as many people as possible, the film will be provided to schools for free and will be subtitled in English. For more information on Héritage(s), click here.

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